How I work
I help business owners solve problems. I specialise in finding the root cause of the issue and work with business owners and senior leaders to design a process that ensures a problem is solved once and for all. I believe the solution should work for your business now and the business you're going to be in five years.
Listen and understand
I start by listening to the issues the business is facing​. I'll ask questions about the knock on effect of these challenges.​
We'll discuss what impact resolving these problems will have on your business.
We'll talk about what you as a business owner want from the new process.
I'll take time to really understand the long term goals for your business.
I'll determine how best to resolve the issue.
Looking at the following areas:
People - Is there a skills gaps where people don't understand what or why they need to do something?
Process - Is the process inpractical, time consuming or 'too hard'
Technology - Can technology be used to help and improve the problem or are current systems holding you back?
Report & Recommendation
I'll prepare a report with a summary of the issue, the challanges this causes and the desired outcomes as a result of these problems being resolved.
Using business optimisation techniques i'll provide recommendations to resolve the problems improving efficency and profits at the same time
If you choose to keep working with me after the initial report and recommendations. We'll work on delivery this new business process together. We're plan the implementation and delivery, put in a robost test and measure approach and implement an ongoing review and optimisation system to ensure the process delivers on on your required outcomes.
I'll design a programme of work to resolve the issue once and for all​
We'll work together to implement the report recommendations addressing all the of the challenges
We'll bring the team with us on the implementation journey through a combination of understanding why the change is needed and incentivising the new behaviour while it gets embedded in day to day work life
Test and Measure
I'll continually review the process and changes we're making
We'll adapt and change the methods to ensure the process is efficient and delivers results
You'll end up with a new system that works for you now and in the future, freeing up your time to concentrate on growing the business or spending more time on the things you enjoy
Ongoing Review
We'll set up an ongoing review system to make sure:
You're continually reviewing the process
Adapting and improving it as technology changes and progresses
Training new staff on why and how to follow the process
Re-training and reminding the team why it's important by demonstrating the benefits they get by using this process.